Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Here we go!

Hi friends, welcome to the Kailey Jensen Photography (KPJ) blog!

I am launching KJP blog and website with so much excitement! Before we go further, I have a few people to thank - I could not have done this without the support of incredible people who have encouraged, badgered and walked me through this process! 

Thank you Milena for your patience with answering a million questions and willingness to keep pushing me when I just wanted to throw the website in the "trash'', loving learning from you - can't wait to for more! The logo and most of the technical aspects of this endeavor are all Milena, she is a super talented with web design and photography - check out here stuff here and yes, that was most definitely a plug but seriously, do it!

Friends, all you who have gotten so excited about the website, in the short time since have begun putting this together, the reception has been fantastic - you've been a huge inspiration to follow through on this! And as most of you are in a multitude of the pictures on the website and the ones that you'll be seeing on here, thanks for allowing me to follow you around and snap away!

Only in the last month has the idea of a website/blog been in my mind and in just the last 2 weeks since making the idea public and pursuing this seriously, I have been overwhelmed by the excitement and opportunities being thrown at me. I seriously had NO IDEA what this adventure would look like, already it has been more then I was expecting; I am so excited to see what else is in store!

To start of this blogging/photographing adventure, I want to share a little bit about why this is something that I decided to pursue... My journey into the world of pictures began innocently, with a camera handed to me in high school and has turned into a love affair. I am captivated by what the camera can pick up that I overlook through just my eyes. The split seconds of utter joy, of "ah ha!", of speechless beauty, of stunning love. The ability to hold onto those priceless moments; to look and remember who you were and what you were feeling in that second; to somehow carry a tangible a piece of that with you into the present. It has been an incredible opportunity to share what I am learning, how I am loving and what I hold close.          

I have had many oppurtuntites to walk into peoples lives, camera in hand, revealing their beauty and watching them discover it for themselves. What was a somewhat interesting activity has turned into a beautiful oppurtunity that encompasses all things I am passionate about - people, art, relationships, beauty, and adventures! I am excited to continue on this adventure, discovering more of life through taking pictures and living alongside people, being challenged and loving deeply. My hope is that my photography displays that in original and creative ways!  

One of the most important things for me in this opportunity is that it is an adventure that's built on relationships. I want this to be an avenue of creating beauty and revealing it in the people and places that I photograph; to be able to capture beautiful moments and share them! 

So, I am doing some things backward because of being on fast forward the last few weeks BUT I am hopefully dialing in on the "business" aspects of this adventure - I ask for grace as I am on a huge learning curve! 

If you have questions or comments, suggestions or wisdom - I would love to hear them all, you can comment on this blog or use the CONTACT ME section on the website and I will answer as best I can! There is also a page on Facebook for KJP - if you LIKE us on there you can see updates and new things going on!   

One last thing, I will be updating/communicating mostly via this blog - you can follow KJP (top left corner if you have a Blogspot account, or to the left via your email!) to communicate with me and see new projects! Come along for the ride, promise it will be full of sweet moments!

- Kailey 

Loving life with all its challenges and changes, all its joys and speechless moments. I am about capturing these moments; to be able to hold on to the experiences and people that inspire and change us. Come with me on this journey of discovering the beauty in all things - small and profound, simple and innocent, loud and vibrant, obnoxious and ridiculous. For this is were life is lived.